Thursday, December 31, 2020

Called, loved and kept for Jesus...for what?

Read : Jude 1

Scripture: Jude 1: 5Though you already know all this, I want to remind you...

Observation: Here the writer of the book of Jude reminds some important things for a faithful Christian life. His friendly reminder of what God has done to us, and our call, includes some warnings about a set of ungodly people and their wrong deeds of misusing God's grace and love. By telling the deserved punishment of these wrong doers, Jude reminds us of what we supposed to do and what awaits for us. We must turn our attention from the wrong people to God in order to "to contend for the faith."

Application: It is always good to know that who am I and what God has done for me. However, to remain in the position that God has graciously given me, I need to be aware of the dangers of misusing the grace and faith. I have to keep myself away from the wrong deeds listed in this book. More than that, I should focus on God and  I must be ready to share the God-given grace and love with other human beings.

Prayer: Father, thank you for your love and protection. Thank you for your friendly reminders and warning as well. I have come to this day, only by your grace. To remain in you, I need you. "Here I Stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen." (Martin Luther).


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